Thursday, April 06, 2006

Baby Videos? Never!

Have you heard about the new "Sesame Beginnings" videos that are targeted toward babies and children up to three years of age? Because these videos are designed to be watched by parents and children together, they have gotten the "quality time" pass from several "experts," who seem to conveniently ignore the fact that, for many good and scientific reasons, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against any sort
of television/video viewing for children under two. If you want to know more about that, just google 'dangers of television babies children' for a quick overview of some of the primary arguments against television viewing for children.

Mental, physical, and spiritual dangers aside, sitting and staring is rarely genuine quality time. It certainly does not provide a baby with the intellectual stimulation of playing or talking directly with a live human being, preferably a parent. And those infant moments are fleeting-- why waste them on prepackaged mental junk food?

For more stories about the controversy, go ahead and google 'sesame baby video controversy.' That should keep you busy for awhile! I'll add links to interesting editorials as I find them. You may also want to read the article on my website "Making Time For Things That Matter: Seven Principles For Family-Centered Living." Not surprisingly, the second principle is 'Do and be; don't sit and stare!'

Endangered Minds by Dr. Jane Healy
Editorial: Learning Must Start With Dad, Mom, Not TV

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