Wednesday, November 16, 2005

SAT/ACT- What's the Difference?

I was at a College and Career Fair over the weekend, and I attended a panel discussion of college admissions officers. One of the most interesting things that came up is the difference between the ACT and the SAT. This difference was later confirmed by the Princeton Review representative who was there to offer test-taking tips.

Both exams test language arts and math, and both have an essay component. However, the SAT essay is mandatory, and the ACT is optional. Each test is popular in certain geographic areas, and each is accepted by most colleges.

So, what's the difference? According to the admissions counselors, the ACT is a test of what you've learned, while the SAT is a test of how well you've learned to take tests. The ACT was described as "straightforward," while the SAT was described as "tricky."

But wait... before everyone stampedes off to sign up for the ACT, let's talk about this. Some of the SAT problems discussed in the later test-taking workshop could certainly be considered tricky-- if you're rushing through the test or have limited reading comprehension. However, if you do a bit of test-prep in advance, and learn how the test is written, and what to watch for, the SAT is a valid and reputable exam. Many people have scored perfectly on one or both sections, so it is certainly possible to do well by being prepared and taking your time.

My impression of the two tests is that the SAT is the more serious of the two-- at least in the essay department. The SAT essay questions tend to be high-school level, focusing on abstract topics such as happiness. They are well presented, with a quote on the topic, followed by the essay question. The ACT essay questions seem to me to be more 'junior-high' level-- not quite "describe your favorite vacation," but not much harder than that, either. (You'll find links on my website- to the home sites for the SAT and ACT, as well as to my essay prep workshop.)

If you're trying to decide which exam to take, I would suggest checking the website of the colleges you'd like to attend. They will most likely state their preference somewhere within the "Prospective Students" pages. If they don't state a preference, I would start by taking the SAT. If you don't do as well as you hoped, you can take the ACT. And of course, you always have the option of retaking either of them as many times as you like.

Remember, genuine life-long learning is what matters in the long run!

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